Sunday 21 September 2014


I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
When I feel that I’m getting tired of looking me exhausted,
I want to give all my dreams I’ve kept hard
Every time I feel that I’m lacking in many things more than I have
I lost strength in my legs and drop down
I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
Everyday I hold out comforting myself “it’ll be alright”
But it makes me afraid little by little
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
Someday my painful heart will get well
I hope it helps me now.
I hope the God will help me
I don’t have enough confidence more and more to overcome myself
I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
Someday my painful heart will get well
Someday… Someday…

Saturday 13 September 2014



A day where all prefect gather as one for a celebration. It was a great farewell indeed. My friend and i successfully perform our crazy performance. Really nervous but me did it. Even though the water game been canceled at the last minute but the most important thing is everybody enjoy the night. Had a blast and glad to join the board. 

Sunday 7 September 2014

Saying Goodbye

Nowadays facing to many problems.
This all make me feel dumb for not understanding the situation.
I really wanted to stay strong but i need to gave up to be even stronger.
Let haters talk, judge. 
I"m done with all of this.
To many tears in this year and i'm tired.
Let me take a rest and step away from all of this.
Not going to care anymore.
This time, let me take good care of my feelings.
I really think about saying goodbye to my Facebook and Wechat.
I want to forget what happen and especially what i feel.
Gonna put them behind and move on.
No more taking them with me.

Time To Say Goodbye

To My Beloved Kai Gor Gor (Lim Zi Wei),
             Tomorrow you gonna return to Australia with appa for work. I really wish you could stay here much longer. I really need you as my ear, to listen all my worries, my sadness and also my happiness. I know we both have little time to spend together like last time. I really do hope you can be by my side when i needed someone to hear my problems. I hope i can tell you my problem right now but i can't. I don't want you to worry about me. I promise to you that i will be strong facing this obstacles and never cry for it even i really feel like crying right now. Even i am only your godsister, you still showered me with all your love as a brother and never leave me alone in hard time. I know if i tell you my problem that i'm facing now i'm sure your heart will be very heavy to leave. This time let me face it by myself. No matter how hard i fall this time, i promise you i will get up, smile and be strong again. I promise that. We both know that there are many goodbye between us but we still end up meet again no matter what happen. The reason i wrote this because i want to thank you Lim Zi wei for all your love, guide, advice and time you gave to me. This time i will never cry like i always did when you gonna leave. Take care my lovely godbrother. We will meet soon~~~

Friday 5 September 2014



Welcome back to my godfather and to my annoying godbrother. After 5 months never met my appa, i feel like crying just now meet him. Hug him and don't want to let go. Really happy you came back appa. And to my fat, annoying, sampat bro, i also miss you. Even you always bully me, i know you care about me the most. You take care me like your real sister. Thanks a lot for all the love you gave. I can say that once you get marry, i will definitely feel sad because i know you will not have time to treat my childish wish. But i still happy too~ One day i will meet someone who will love and take care of me like the way you did. 

Thursday 4 September 2014



When the days goes by, truth came to me without realize that my heart getting hurt. I would like to take a rest from all the pain, but i know i can't. This is life and i just a human being who have to accept this reality. No matter how much i will cry i still have to stand up and be strong. God, lend me your strength to get through this hard time so that i can forget this hurtful feeling and move on. How i wish i could be just like You. Many question running in my head now, i know i should tell them out but i scared something would never be the same as now after i told those unimportant things. So i decided to keep it as a secret and never tell anyone. But now, i feel the pain. I started to question myself 
I can't even answer this question. My brain and heart have different conclusion. I been confused by myself. Hope this all could stop even for a moment. Just to give me some space to breath and be strong again. Life will never stop. I know. But i have limited strength now.